Spiritualism in America by Benjamin Coleman
Spiritualism in America by Benjamin Coleman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
FROM THE PREFACE.THE Conductors of the Spiritual Magazine having determined to republish the papers on American Spiritualism, contributed by me to that journal, in an independent form, I desire to offer to the reader a few words of explanation as to my prominent connexion with the subject.
It will be seen by a perusal of this volume, how and under what circumstances I became a convert to a belief in spirit intercourse, which belief I understand to be, that the spirits of departed men and women have an existence in another sphere, and under certain conditions, that they can and do manifest themselves, and communicate with spirits in the flesh. This being the cardinal point in my view of the subject, I see no reason why all denominations of religionists should not, when satisfied of the fact, become Spiritualists; for certainly the belief does not destroy the great truths inculcated in biblical history, but, on the contrary, it throws a new light on the sacred volume, and enables us to realize and comprehend many passages which are dark without it. But, as I am no theologian, I prefer to leave the religious bearing of the subject to be dealt with by other heads, believing that it is especially the duty of the ministers of religion to investigate Spiritualism, and give it, if possible, a right direction. Neither have I any scientific knowledge, though I do not think that to be a necessary qualification for the investigation of the facts of Spiritualism. I am a man accustomed to commercial pursuits, of strong nerve, and without fanatical bias of any kind. My mind is of that practical character that I am, I think, even a better witness to attest a physical fact that runs counter to generally received opinions, than the man of science, who has been educated, so to speak, in a groove, and who has first to unlearn and to throw aside the dogmas by which he is enthralled, before he can receive a new light which overturns his past philosophy. Having once become satisfied that the phenomena were real, I sought for an explanation from men more learned than myself; but finding as I advanced in my enquiry, that the facts I witnessed completely set aside the theories which science had placed in my path, I was reduced to the necessity of either ignoring the evidence of my senses, or of admitting the spiritual origin of the phenomena….
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