Monday, 10 February 2014

PDF⋙ Sachet Mixte Themes (Volume 9) by Simon O'Corra

Sachet Mixte Themes (Volume 9) by Simon O'Corra

Sachet Mixte Themes (Volume 9)

Sachet Mixte Themes (Volume 9) by Simon O'Corra PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Having spent the last sixteen years involved in the art world and painting in acrylics, I am delighted and honoured to write the forward for the Sachet Mixte Themes Edition Nine - Acrylics, and to have my work featured along with fourteen other artists in this latest edition. I first noticed Sachet Mixte books a couple of years ago when introduced to a copy by a friend at an art exhibition I was involved with. I was taken by the diverse nature of the artists’ work and the wonderful format and quality of the images featured in the journal. In this printed format it is a great way for your artwork to get recognition, exposure and acknowledgment. This, along with the Sachet Mixte website, gives artists and art enthusiasts a great opportunity to observe contemporary artwork in an easy and accessible format. This month’s edition highlights various artists working in acrylics. Those who work with acrylic or are interested in this medium will find this edition beneficial. The paintings chosen to be included demonstrate the various techniques utilised and the textures that can be achieved by working in this medium. The high quality prints offer a valuable visual source in which to study acrylic paintings. Using acrylic can be a rewarding experience for the artist as it is a great type of paint to work with. It is the most versatile of paints to use on canvas, paper, wood etc and looking at a finished acrylic piece it can sometimes look like watercolour work or even oils, depending on the techniques used by the artist. I myself prefer to work on canvas and canvas boards as this lends itself to my style of work. I met the editor of this book Simon O’Corra through social media and I have been a member of the Sachet Mixed Community on Facebook since last year. This Facebook page is useful for the artists and enthusiasts to gain access to other like-minded people and interact with the art community. This book is valuable as it is a great source for artists as it provides inspiration and shows examples of artists’ work for people to perfect their technique and gain a greater insight into the art world. It looks to promote new up-and-coming artists as well as to show the development of more experienced well-known members of the art community. This is a very unique publication and comes in various volumes; for example one highlights work by female artists and the other by male artists. It regularly represents both sexes equally in the art world and also has volumes that focus on certain aspects of art. For example this edition focuses on acrylics while others focus on portraits, landscapes and photography. This allows artists interested in specific subjects, easier and direct examples of what they are interested in and it offers inspiration to those working in these various diverse creative fields. I can highly recommend this book for the valuable resources it provides. Alan Glasgow Artist at Alan Glasgow Art Edinburgh Artists include: 1. Dan Simoneau - USA. 2. Madan Lal - India. 3. Matthew Sansom - Australia. 4. Justin Abelman - South Africa. 5. Alan Glasgow - UK. 6. Jon Wainwright - France. 7. Simon O’Corra - France. 8. Arif Khan - India. 9. Stephan Steffanides - USA. 10.Vilho Persson - Sweden. 11. Patrick Glassel - USA. 12. Jody Kelly - UK. 13.Natascha Schot - Netherlands. 14. Rukshana Hooda - India. 15. Sandra Dean - UK.

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