Vanguard Revolutionaries in Latin America: Peru, Colombia, Mexico by James F. Rochlin
Vanguard Revolutionaries in Latin America: Peru, Colombia, Mexico by James F. Rochlin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
During the swan song of the Soviet Union and the immediate aftermath of the Cold War, many insurgent groups that had been dependent on Moscow or Havana quickly faded into political oblivion. But some existing groups, as well as emerging ones, flourished within a new and uncharted political constellation. This comparative study probes the origins and effects of Latin America's most potent insurgent movements - in Peru, Colombia, and Mexico - which are thriving now in large part by exploiting the revolution in military affairs. Rochlin considers the intriguing question of what makes a successful revolutionary movement at the start of the 21st century. Addressing the commonalities and distinctions among six subversive groups, he focuses on domestic and international context, support base, ideology, strategy, and prospects for power. He also explores the roots, metamorphosis, and prognosis of the conflicts. His in-depth discussion of these powerful rebel groups emphasizes the ways in which they are successfully rethinking the meaning of politics, revolutionary activity, and strategy in a new era.From reader reviews:
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