Experiencing the Resurrection: The Everyday Encounter That Changes Your Life by Henry Blackaby, Mel Blackaby
Experiencing the Resurrection: The Everyday Encounter That Changes Your Life by Henry Blackaby, Mel Blackaby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Experience the powerful reality of Christ’s resurrection in your life. Moment by moment, day by day.Two thousand years ago, God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. But that isn’t a mere historical event. It isn’t simply a theological doctrine. It is rather a “huge moment” that reverberates powerfully and meaningfully throughout history. Even today. Even in your life.
When God raised Jesus, He also made it possible for Christ’s life to reign eternally in His followers. The resurrection is the foundation of your total freedom and complete victory in Christ. And so it is an event–an experience–that’s worthy of your daily celebration.
Experiencing the Resurrection is the second in a groundbreaking trilogy by the world-renowned spiritual leader Dr. Henry Blackaby and his son, Dr. Melvin Blackaby, that guides you into experiencing the gospel of Christ in its fullness. In this book they offer you a deeper understanding of the glorious, joyous dimensions of the resurrection, with the goal of revealing the living Lord at work in your daily life.
This is the first step to fully knowing and experiencing the peace, joy, power, purpose, and confidence that God promises you through the resurrection of His Son.
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